Creating an Ideal Sleep Environment for Restful Nights
Magnesium: The Vital Mineral for Restful Sleep
The Importance of Sleep for Optimal Health and Well-being
The Significance of Sleep Cycles for Students’ Learning
Can Smart Watches Detect Sleep Apnea?
Sleep Deprivation and Work Performance
It is an unfortunate fact of life that spending the majority of our adulthood at a job is a reality. In addition to an American workday that averages 9.5 hours, a Sleep in America poll we looked at found that each week, Americans are spending more than four extra hours working from home – a statistic undoubtedly fueled by the post-pandemic climate.
What You Should Avoid Before Going to Bed
Sure, if someone were to ask you what the number one thing you shouldn’t do before going to bed, you’d probably say “drink coffee” – but there’s much more to this equation of getting a good night’s sleep. Of course, it’s also deeper than simply going to bed at a reasonable time; rather, it’s all about planning your nighttime routine so that you avoid sleep-depriving bad habits.
The Ways Alcohol Affects Sleep and the REM Stage
You should know by now that a good night’s sleep is necessary for our well-being and overall health, but were you aware that consumption of alcohol and drugs can actually impact sleep in negative fashions? Indeed, they can, and in this post we’re going to look at the different ways substances can influence your sleep patterns, right up to and including the arrival at the REM (rapid eye movement)
How Weight Affects Obstructive Sleep Apnea
In obese people, fat deposits in the upper respiratory tract make the airway narrow, leading to a decrease in muscle activity in this region and, ultimately, apneic and hypoxic episodes – thus, sleep apnea. These episodes lead to an oxygen decrease in both blood vessels and body tissues, and this decreased oxygenation is a contributor to tissue hypoxia, the primary aggressor of atherosclerosis.